How will you distinguish a Colloid from a Solution?
A colloid is a mixture in which one material is suspended throughout another substance and contains scattered insoluble particles. The whole mixture is referred to as a colloidal solution. A colloid has a dispersed phase (suspended particles) and a continuous phase, unlike a solution, which has only one phase with the solute and solvent (the medium of suspension). To be classified as a colloid, the mixture must either not settle or settle very slowly....
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Pure Substance
Pure Substances in Chemistry are those which consist of only one type of atom or in the case of more than one type of atom they are always combined in a fixed ratio. What we consider as Pure is not a Pure Substance as per the definitions of chemistry. For Example, we consider milk as pure when it has no adulteration however as per definitions of chemistry Milk is not a Pure Substance....
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What is Plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate?
We are very familiar with the term matter. Everything around us can be considered as a matter. Generally, it’s misconceived that the study of matter only involves three states of it which are solid, liquid, and gaseous. But, matter does exist in other forms of states in nature besides these three. This article is focused on the study of different states of matter that is solid, liquid, and gas as well as two more states of matter that include Plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate....
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Air Pollution
Air pollution reflects the bad quality of the air. The pollution of polluted particles in the air is measured by the Air Quality Index (AQI). Any chemical, biological or physical change that contaminates the air leads to air pollution. Healthy air has an optimum concentration of atmospheric gases if that increase or decreases that leads to air pollution which indirectly causes global warming....
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Economic Activities by Men and Women
By people as a resource, we mean people who form part of the workforce and play a significant role in economic growth by contributing to the productive resources of the country. So, along with various other resources, a country also needs people who can make good use of these resources and increase production. Investments in human resources are made through training and educating them and taking their health care, making humans more productive and therefore more beneficial to a country’s economy....
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Birth of the Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic, which was officially known as the German Reich, was an important historical era of Germany from 9th November 1918 to 23 March 1933, when the constitutional federal republic in history and hence unofficially known as the German Republic....
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Volume of a Sphere
Volume of a Sphere is the amount of liquid a sphere can hold. Volume of Sphere formula is given as 4/3πr3. It is the space occupied by a sphere in 3-dimensional space. It is measured in unit3 i.e. m3, cm3, etc. A sphere is a three-dimensional solid object with a round form in geometry....
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Circles in Maths
Circles in Maths: A circle is a two-dimensional shape where all points on the circumference are the same distance from the centre. In other words, it is a collection of all points in a plane that are the same distance away from a fixed point, called the centre. Its area is equal to pi times the square of its radius....
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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Social Science Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Social Science Chapter 5 – Pastoralists in the Modern World: Nomads are individuals who do not reside in a fixed location but instead migrate from one area to another to sustain themselves. Even in contemporary society, nomadic groups and communities can be found worldwide, lacking permanent dwellings. Among these nomadic groups, there exists a specific type known as pastoral nomads, who herd cattle and move in search of grazing grounds for their livestock. Engaging with the exercises outlined in Chapter 5 – Pastoralists in the Modern World can aid students in assessing their preparedness and comprehension of key concepts....
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Atomic Nucleus
The nucleus of an atom is a small, dense, round region located in the centre of an atom. It has two subatomic particles, protons and neutrons. Protons are electrically positively charged ions having a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit (amu). Neutrons are electrically neutral....
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Bastar Rebellion in 1910
Bastar Rebellion in 1910: The British had managed the regulations concerning the utilization of wood and woodland items. Woods Society and Colonialism allude to the Act of the British Parliament that flowed regulations denying the utilization of timberlands and woodland items by the Indian ranchers. They were under the assessment that the Indian cultivating rehearses were hampering the backwoods in front of the area, which was fundamental for the income of the Crown. This regression by the British government led to the Bastar Rebellion....
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What is the Nazi Worldview?
In the early long stretches of the 20th 100 years, Germany battled the First World War (1914-1918) close by the Austrian domain and against the Allies (England, France, and Russia.). All assets of Europe were depleted as a result of the conflict. Germany involved France and Belgium. Yet, tragically, the Allies, reinforced by the US section in 1917, won, overcoming Germany and the Central Powers in November 1918. At Weimar, the National Assembly met and laid out a majority rule constitution with a government structure. In the German Parliament, agents were chosen based on equivalent and general votes cast by all grown-ups including ladies. Germany lost its abroad settlements. The War Guilt Clause considered Germany answerable for the conflict and harms the Allied nations endured. The Allied militaries were involved Rhineland during the 1920s....
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